Chronicle QA Process

Suggested guidelines for quality checking your archives


It is important to verify that your archived sites reflect your live sites. While Hanzo has manual and automated QA tests for your archives, you are encouraged to review your archived sites.

Archiving Process

When initializing a new archive unit, Hanzo will complete test captures. This process determines the size and page count to archive. If required, this step is also used for testing login credentials. Adjustments/Developments may be required to properly collect the content from your site. The Hanzo team will ensure that sites captured are based on the requirements outlined in the SOW. Once those are complete, Hanzo will schedule the capture to run on a regular basis (if necessary and per instructions outlined in the SOW). Hanzo has manual and automated QA tests to ensure the archived sites are working properly. Once they pass Hanzo QA, the archived sites will be published to your Hanzo Portal.

Once the steps above are completed, you now have the option to review the archives to ensure they are properly capturing your sites. Hanzo recommends seeking out site owners within your organization who may have detailed knowledge around site content and functionality. These team members make excellent candidates to help you review the archives.

QA Process

There are many techniques you can use to QA your sites. It is important to verify that the Hazno archived site behaves like your live site and that the PDFs render correctly. For this reason, you should open your live site in a browser while simultaneously opening the archived site in the Hanzo Viewer. Navigate the sites side-by-side to ensure that page behavior matches. We also suggest opening the associated PDF for each page during this process. Below is a handy checklist of items you can use to help verify your archives.


  • Check the functionality of the main menu and sub-menus

  • Check that navigation menu is working and generates the right content

  • Check the PDF files, spreadsheets or other files

  • Check videos and audio files - Should play in toolbar

  • Check flash/GIF animation, slideshow, gallery charts etc.

  • Check that pop windows are working correctly

  • Check that drop down lists are working correctly

  • Check Contact form OK

  • Check footer links (privacy policy, terms and conditions etc)

  • Check that the links are directed to the right page

  • Check that the whole content is displayed in the archive

  • Check that buttons like: load more, more details, read more are working

  • Check if the website is properly displayed, frame error, rendering. CSS or layout

  • Check hovering functionality

  • Check that the scrolling is working

  • Check that paging is working